Fudge Recipe

Picture of fudge


  • Preparation time: 5 min
  • Cooking time: ~10 min
  • Servings: Serves 10 (Or 1, if you're greedy)

Dietary Details:

  • Vegan/Vegetarian: Vegetarian
  • Potential Allergens: Lactose
  • Gluten-free: Yes


  • 397 grams of Condensed Milk (I usually go with Nestle)
  • 450 grams of a Cooking Chocolate Bar OR The equivalent in chips form

  • NOTE: The type of chocolate is up to you, however, you may need to trial and error the amount of Condensed Milk you use

  • 1 teaspoon of Vanilla Essence


  1. Heat up your pot on the stove for a little bit
  2. As your pot heats up, start chopping the chocolate bars into smaller pieces
    • This is where having chocolate bars instead of chips comes in handy
  3. Pre-open that can of condensed milk to save yourself from the stress later
  4. Pop all the chocolate into the pot and start to stir to help it melt
  5. Once most of it has melted, pour in all the condensed milk and continue to stir
  6. Once everything is starting the blend together, add a teaspoon of vanilla essence for fun
  7. Make sure you don't start to burn your fudge!
  8. When it reaches a thicker consistency, turn off the heat and pour it into your mould
  9. Leave it to cool for a few minutes then pop it into the fridge for about 12-24 hours
    • This depends entirely on how impatient you are if I'm being honest
  10. Once it solidifies, cut it into smaller cubes and enjoy!


  1. Myself?


  • Written by Hannah Jacob